Sillyhead, testing with real players

by FPSD — 2024-06-14

Testing with real people

A couple of days ago I was attending a meeting that was ending much earlier than expected (yes, it happens!) so, given that the attendees had already booked their time, I've asked to try them to stay a bit longer to test the game out together.

First impressions

The process to start, share and join a game is too long and unnecessarily complicated:

The host player must:

The guest players must:

It's way too much! People just want to jump into to a game and start playing!


Streamline the process of sharing the URL of the game so that only one click on the link will put the players in to the join flow, requiring to only add their name and play. Ideas:

Host side:

Guest side:

Second stage

Everyone still stayed even if the join process was not ideal, there were ten players ready to start the game, we hit Start! and the game actually starts for real but there were only five players visible and the discard and the refill decks were missing, what is going on here? Someone starts playing anyway and the game was working for those five players, at least, so I was mostly happy about the first demo, I promise to look at it later and to make it ready for the first real match.

An evening later I've started investigating the issue, fortunately simulating many players is easy to do because I can run a local game with as many players as I need.

Up to five players it works as expected, but at six I can reproduce the problem! I suspect that something in the DOM is pushing some components out of the window, so I jump to the inspector and I notice that while the container DIV elements are in place, the refill deck and discard piles are empty...and there are only five players' hand container too, not six with a weird state...mmm

After a couple of minutes, while I am playing with the layout, I've had one of the biggest facepalms of my life: there are not enough cards if the players are more than five! There are 13 ranks (1 to 10 plus J, Q and K) and four suites which gives us 52 unique cards, each player start with 9 cards, so 9 times 6 = 54, not enough cards!


Add enough cards given the amount of players in a game, possible solutions:


One thing that makes it really hard to play the game with many players is that not all players' hand fits in one screen so you have to scroll the page to see them all, which then hides the discard pile where the reference card is, totally not ideal.


Try to always have all the hands displayed in a single screen not requiring to scroll.

That's it for today

Feel free to try the game and have a look at the sources, sillyhead namespace.